In the world of constant hustle and bustle, the concept of a 4-day work week can seem like a utopian dream. However, it has become a reality for my team at JAI since September 2022. The journey wasn’t easy, but the destination has been rewarding.

The Old Norm

Our initial work schedule mirrored the traditional corporate setup. Monday through Friday, 8-hour days, 40-hour weeks – the accepted norm for nearly two decades. This rigidity was a reflection of what culture dictated and what clients expected. But with the onset of the pandemic and the increasing trend towards remote working, the need for change became apparent.

The Catalyst for Change

Early in 2022, I began reading about the 4-day work week and its benefits. Simultaneously, I delved deeper into understanding the concept of Sabbath – one complete day of rest to refresh, regroup, and restore. The idea resonated deeply with me. Our weekends had become a whirlwind of activities and personal chores, leaving us exhausted on Mondays. A shift to the 4-day work week promised to provide that additional day for self-care and rejuvenation.

The Transition

Managing and effectively leading change can be a difficult undertaking for any leader, especially when that change has a profound impact on a teamโ€™s entire workweek. In our case, the transition was straightforward. I announced the changes to the team, and we started working on the plan! However, the journey wasn’t without its challenges.

The Benefits and Challenges

Despite the struggles, the 4-day work week has shown promise. We are healthier, more creative, and have more energy and focus on Mondays. Our families appreciate the quality time they get with us.

On the client side, our workload and deadlines remain unaffected. If anything, clients now interact with a refreshed team that brings their best selves to work.

However, the challenges persist. We struggle with trying to do more, fit more in, and battle feelings of guilt for taking time off. There’s always more work to be done, so setting boundaries to avoid burnout and maintain our creativity is crucial.

Lessons Learned

Every change and new undertaking presents the opportunity for reflection. If given a chance to revisit this transition, I would have engaged the team in the decision-making process. Though I viewed the change positively, some team members felt it added more pressure. It’s essential to acknowledge that creating new habits, even beneficial ones, can be challenging due to our conditioning.

Looking Ahead

As of August 2023, we plan to adjust our schedule to 4.5 days with a hard stop at noon on Fridays. This change aims to relieve some pressure and provide an extra block of time for those who need it. Employees wanting an entire day off on Friday can put in 40 hours in 4 days without having to take PTO. This further flexibility will better cater to the individual needs of each team member.

Final Thoughts

The 4-day work week is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It requires careful consideration of your team’s needs, client expectations, and the nature of your work. However, if implemented thoughtfully, it can lead to a healthier, more balanced work-life dynamic. It is a testament that sometimes, less can indeed be more.

So, to all business owners and managers contemplating this switch, my advice is simple: understand your team’s needs, expect some resistance, and be patient. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are worth it.